The department of technological management (the former zootechnical department, founded in 1930) is the oldest department to begin the history of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Over the years the department graduated more than 7000 zoo technicians and zoo engineers as well as 300 agriculture technologists.
Currently, the department has 17 doctors of sciences, professors, including 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and 26 candidates of sciences. The qualification of the lecturers is improving year by year. Over the last 5 years the number of doctors of sciences, professors increased by 42 %, candidates of sciences – 36 %, associate professors – 7 %. 100 % of the lecturers have scientific degrees. The department has an acting Dissertation Council. Since 2005 2 doctoral and 16 candidate’s dissertations were defended. There were published 11 monographs, 73 manuals, 2 of them – with the stamp of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 3 – with the stamp of UMO of the Russian higher educational institutions, 1 – with the stamp of the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory; 96 articles in journals from the list of the High Certification Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 42 articles in national and foreign publications, 320 articles in other publications.
With the improvement of the material-technical resources of the department the training process was substantially improved. Since 2009 the department trains bachelors of the speciality “Zootechnics”, since 2010 – engineers of the speciality “Technology of food products”.
In the framework of the realization of the priority national project “Education” in 2007-2008 three laboratories were established: “Feeds and metabolism” (the head – Professor N.Z. Zlydnev), “Technology of meat and dairy products” (the head – Associate Professor O.V. Sycheva), “Special zootechnics” (the head – Professor V.F. Filenko). In 2010, 8 students of the department became laureates of the All-Russian Open Competition of research, inventive and creative works of students “National Treasure of Russia”: O. Mar'ina (supervisor – Associate Professor E.N. Chernobay); Y. Chernyaeva, N. Levchenko (supervisor – Associate Professor O.V. Sycheva); P. Golubenko, A. Orekhova (supervisor – Associate Professor V.E. Zakotin); T. Aleksandrova, A. Murtazaliev (supervisor – Associate Professor E.E. Epimakhova); A. Martynova (supervisor – Senior Lecturer I.A. Trubina).
At present, the department of farm animal feeding is the leading one at the university (the head of the department – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor N.Z. Zlydnev). It has a rich history and a solid scientific school headed by the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation V.I. Trukhachev and Professor, Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation N.Z. Zlydnev. They conduct research on the technological methods of laying-in, preparation and use of high-protein fodder and biologically active substances in feeding of farm animals. In 2008, Professor N.Z. Zlydnev participated in the work of the World Congress of the Association of Ayrshire cattle breeding held in Finland.
The scientists of the department are actively engaged in developing recipes of the modern generation of premixes and protein-mineral vitamin supplements including carotene-containing supplements and probiotics that meet all requirements of animal feeding of full value. This research is conducted by the department workers together with the feed mill “Promikz” in Mineralnye Vody. The research was supported by the Foundation of Development Assistance to Small-scale Enterprises in the Scientific-technical Field” (Moscow). The result of this activity was the victory in the project “START-2007” and the establishment of a small-scale enterprise “Feed-S”, which is developing and commercializing the above mentioned feed supplements for all types of animals of different age and gender groups. A patent of the Russian Federation was got for the development of premixes for pigs aged 2-4 months.
In March 2007, as a result of the amalgamation of the department of sheep breeding and the department of zoohygiene and zoology the department of sheep breeding, zoohygiene and zoology was established (the head – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.I. Konoplev). Under the direction of the Hero of Socialist Labour, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.A. Moroz and Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science of Dagestan I.S. Ismailov the scientific school of improvement and development of new sheep breeds is successfully functioning. V.A. Moroz in collaboration with the scientists of the university, directors and specialists of sheep breeding farms developed 3 sheep breeds (Manychsky Merino, Kulundinskaya, Aginskaya), which are widely recognized by practitioners. For his achievements in the field of animal selection he was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation. The scientific discoveries of the scientists of the department are known not only in Russia but also abroad. Scientific works in the field of wool research of Professor, member of the Great Patriotic War V.I. Sidortsov have an international significance.
The department staff conducts research in the following fields:
– Development and justification of technological processes reducing labour and material resources for the production of animal husbandry products;
– Technology of farm animal breeding.
The department of special zootechnics is headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.F. Filenko. On the basis of the farm “Ternovsky” in Trunovsky region (Chairman – I.A. Bogachev, Hero of Labour of Stavropol Territory), where a complex for 12 thousand pigs of the breed SM-1 of the steppe type is successfully functioning, the workers of the department V.F. Filenko and E.I. Rastovarov are working on the development of a new pig breed – Southern bacon. Along with the development of the new intensive breed of pigs, the department staff is working on improvement of pedigree and productive qualities of the districted breeds of pigs, cattle and poultry in Stavropol region. Over the last 5 years 15 patents of the Russian Federation for inventions were received. A special unit of the department is the equestrian school – the pride of the department and the entire university. Currently, there are 22 horses of various breeds: Thoroughbred, Arabian, Trakenenskaya, Akhaltekinskaya, Budennovskaya.
The department of breeding and genetics of farm animals is headed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor V.E. Zakotin. The scientists keep contacts with practitioners giving valuable recommendations in selection, feeding and technology of production of animal husbandry and poultry farming products. The saving technology of year-round production of lamb, developed by Professor A.M. Yakovenko with direct participation of Associate Professors S.A. Mamyshev, V.E. Zakotin and T.I. Antonenko, allows not only to improve the efficiency of buildings and equipment use, but also to increase the quality and quantity of production by 10-15 % and the safety of young animals – by 8.5 %. Scientific interests of the department members are not limited to the development and introduction into practice of efficient technologies of sheep and cattle breeding. Associate Professor M.F. Zonov in collaboration with a group of scientists developed optimal parameters of light conditions during growth and keeping of pedigree turkeys which found application in a number of turkey-breeding farms of the North Caucasus.
The department of technology of production and processing of agricultural products is headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Sycheva. Currently, highly qualified specialists actively work at the department including Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V.V. Molochnikov. Training of students with the use of modern laboratory equipment for the control of technological processes of milk and meat processing, research of raw materials and final products of animal husbandry and crop growing allows to graduate competent and qualified specialists-technologists. The department has production-technological laboratories (mini workshops) for the production of baking, canning, sausage and dairy products allowing to carry out practical and laboratory classes on special subjects at high levels. According to the state contract with the Ministry of Education of Stavropol Territory in 2008 students of professional schools of the region received an opportunity to have practical training in the laboratory of technology of meat and dairy products.
In 2010, 5th year student R. Omarov took the II place in the All-Russian competition among students, graduate students and young scientists in the nomination “Technology of production of agricultural products”.
The students of the department take an active part in the competitions: “Let’s sing, friends” (among the finalists – lecturer of the department V.A. Kushchenko and 1st year student D. Turubarova), “Miss University”, “Mr. University”, “Students’ Spring”. In 2009, 5th year student D. Ayvazyan became the first “Vice-mister of the university”. Workers and students of the department take an active part in the sports life of the university. In the 10th sports contest held among university staff the lecturers’ team took the II place and in particular sports – prizes. Competitions in volleyball and mini-football are also held at the department.
With the modern material-technical resources the teaching staff of the department successfully achieves the goals of training highly qualified specialists for agriculture.
Skripkin Valentin Sergeevich
Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management
Academic rank: Docent
Academic degree: Candidate of veterinarian science