The content of the department activity is determined by the general concept of new information technologies introduction in the educational process. The department is an integral part of the continuing education system and the main part of the university informatization infrastructure.
The main objective of DAET is conducting a single university informatization policy, formation of high-information culture, support and coordination of information technologies in the educational process. DAET interaction with the main divisions of Educational and Methodical Department is carried out under the overall supervision of the Chief of Educational and Methodical Department within the bounds of introduction new information technologies concepts developed at the University. The Division participates in the programs of regional coordinating Council of Information Technologies in Education and Science, as well as in industrial and regional projects under the terms of cooperation agreements and business contracts.
The main goals of DAET are:
• development of a regulatory system for supporting the introduction of new methods and teaching aids;
•introduction of advanced educational technologies for the implementation of specialists training in various areas of knowledge in the form of practice in the training centers, as well as in remote access mode;
• informatization management processes in educational activities based on the concept of electronic document and monitor the time and administrative resources;
• organization of activities on creating an electronic training and methodological support of information and education network;
•implementation of research and development activities;
• organization and software-support system network testing of the university;
• the development, implementation and maintenance of software and hardware, organizational and methodological tools and measures to provide research, development and teaching work units within the innovation activities of the university;
• interaction with structural units for the practical training of staff and students;
• implementation of advanced learning technologies based on the use of modern information and computer technology;
• development and implementation of training materials and laboratory classes for training;
• promotion of educational services and technology department of the domestic and foreign markets of education, preparation of information materials, participation in exhibitions and conferences on the use of advanced educational technologies;
• training, retraining and advanced training in the field of new information technologies of the university staff and external audiences; • provision of consultations on software and hardware tools, methodological support advanced learning technologies.