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Department for Educational Standards, Curricula and Syllabi

It was founded in 1962 and it was renamed as Department for Educational Standards, Curricula and Syllabi in 2005.

The staff includes four engineers and four experts for academic affairs

Areas of work:

- the University curriculum and instruction activities organization and management for the implementation of basic and additional education programs;

- control over the educational process organization at the faculties and departments, as well as over the circulation of training load;

- students’ practical training organization;

- graduates’ employment assistance;

- modern educational technologies and computer software implementation into the training process;

- the University education board activities and faculties’ methodological committees coordination;

- faculties and departments’ positive experiences generalization;

- scientific-methodological projects’ realization;

- governing teaching and guiding documents’ registration and systematization, organization of documents’ timely observation at the University departments, as well as local acts performance;

- the University classrooms’ distribution;

- control of classrooms readiness to classes;

- studies and educational work.

The department is equipped with modern personal computers, printing and photocopying facilities, and the required software.

There is an efficient system of information services of all SSAU educational divisions, with the help of which preparation of administrative and regulatory documentation takes place. The documentation regulates content, organization and methodical support of the educational process.

The work of the department is in close cooperation with all the structural divisions of the University.