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Issues of studying the conditions and opportunities for achieving sustainable economic growth were discussed at the Stavropol State Agrarian University


Members of the consortium and participants of the strategic academic leadership program Priority 2030, represented by scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University and the Kuban State Agrarian University. The conference was held on the basis of the Interregional Resource Center for the Development of Rural and Specially Protected Ecological Resort Territories of the Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus Federal District.

The conference was an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and teachers, where the authors' ideas in the field of priority factors, conditions and results of sustainable development, which have both methodological and practical significance, were presented and discussed.

In addition, the conference was attended by scientists from various universities, including St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, Samara State Economic University, Vologda State Dairy Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin, National Research Mordovian State University and others.

The conference was opened by Aleksey Nikolaevich Bobryshev, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor. The plenary session was moderated by Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics, Doctor of Economics, Professor.

Sustainable regional development is aimed at ensuring economic, food and environmental security in the current conditions of import substitution. The currently formed methodological toolkit for studying various aspects of sustainable development is extensive and differentiated. At the same time, a comprehensive assessment of the achieved level of development of the regions and their systemic socio-ecological and economic balance requires the combined use of different tools and methods that allow solving multi-aspect tasks of sustainable development.

The conference allowed the expert community to discuss the issues of studying the conditions and opportunities for achieving sustainable economic growth; problems of law and law enforcement, state and corporate governance in ensuring sustainable regional development; innovative entrepreneurship and the use of information and communication technologies for sustainable development.

The most acute issues on the agenda were issues of ensuring the sustainable development of subjects with an existing uneven socio-economic resource potential, and as a result, the uneven development of regions.

During the reports and discussions, the following reasons for the imbalance in ensuring sustainable development were identified: heterogeneity of factors of production, interregional differences in solving social problems (unemployment, income levels, etc.), different efficiency of regional management.

As a result of the conference, scientists and representatives of the real sector of the economy proposed measures to achieve sustainable development. Ensuring the sustainable development of Russia, exceeding the world average GDP growth rates, can be achieved not only by increasing domestic spending on research and development per 1 employed, but by concentrating them in the sectors of large and medium-sized businesses that produce import-substituting products, as well as expanding the export potential of the country. At the same time, it is necessary to continue supporting the development of small businesses that provide employment for the population.

Solving the problem of sustainable development in modern conditions requires expanding the network and strengthening the importance of scientific and innovation-technological centers, as infrastructural elements for the formation of a specific innovation-technological ecosystem of a certain territory, taking into account its resource potential, capable of providing "catching up" development in the field of new technologies and as a result , reducing dependence on imports in various sectors of the economy.

Welcoming remarks were made by:

• Fatimat Sultanovna Zumakulova, Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Economics and Management, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov, member of the Public Council of the OFAS for the KBR, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.

• Vladimir Vitalyevich Merkulov, Head of the Strategic Development Bureau of PJSC Neptun.

Presentations with reports:

"Scientifically based concept of sustainable development of agriculture in the North Caucasus Federal District" Igor Valentinovich Kaschaev, Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Information of the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center, Candidate of Economic Sciences;

"Financial sustainability of agriculture military organization as a condition for its economic development” Dina Gomboevna Badmaeva, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Audit, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;

"Ensuring economic security and sustainable development of the southern region of Russia" Konstantin Eduardovich Tyupakov, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics and Foreign Economic Activity of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after. I. T. Trubilin, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor;

"Development of polycentric agglomeration and non-agglomeration territory in the economic space of the region" Elena Nikolaevna Koroleva, Professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Management of the Samara State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor;

"Rational nutrition in the system of achieving sustainable development goals" Angelina Yakovlevna Kazarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;

"Flour export as a factor in the sustainable development of rural areas: problems, prospects" Natalya Valeryevna Vorobyeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;

"Improving labor productivity and innovative regionalization in Russia" Natalya Vladimirovna Bannikova, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor. 

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