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Participation of students in the All-Russian competition on the information system 1C: ITS 2022


The All-Russian competition on the information system is aimed at popularizing among young people and educational institutions the professional information system 1C: ITS - a modern resource created specifically for those who already work and who will work with 1C: Enterprise programs. The 1C:ITS information system contains ready-made solutions and step-by-step instructions for working in the program, recommendations on accounting, personnel and tax accounting, as well as answers to real questions related to doing business. Together with it, the young specialist will be in the context of all issues related to the practice of accounting, taxation, law and information technology.

Students of the faculty of secondary vocational education of the 2nd and 3rd year of the profile "Economics and accounting (by industry)" taking part in the All-Russian student competition 1C: ITS 2022, held by 1C (Moscow). The students were prepared for the competition by Tatiana Yuryevna Bezdolnaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit.

All participants were awarded participation certificates.

The finalist of the 1C: ITS 2022 competition was Anastasia Semma, a 3rd year student in the profile "Economics and Accounting (by industry)".

The main prize for the absolute winner is a tourist trip worth up to 250 thousand rubles. The winners will be awarded laptops and other valuable prizes.

The final of the competition will be held on March 26, 2022 in an online format. 

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