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The victory of the professor of SSAU in the IV International research competition "Best scientific paper 2022"


"Best Research Paper 2022" is a prestigious research competition created to promote the effective development of science and innovation. Organizer: International Center for Scientific Cooperation "Science and Education". The purpose of the competition is to promote the integration of Russian science into the world scientific information space, dissemination of scientific and practical achievements in various fields of science, support for high standards of publications, as well as approbation of the results of scientific and practical activities.

Anzhelika Gennadievna Alyabyeva, teacher of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, became the winner of the IV International Research Competition "Best Scientific Work 2022". The teacher submitted the work "Game method of conducting classes, as a method of consolidating the acquired knowledge among students."

The idea of ​​a game method of involvement in the educational process has long attracted the attention of teachers. Thus, students acquire knowledge better if they are accompanied by a game.

“For the experiment, I took 3 academic groups of students, 24 people each. Traditional lectures and classes in the form of games (quiz, game) were held on the subject "Life Safety". Then the Olympiad was held, based on the results of which it can be concluded that the students' knowledge is best consolidated in a game form, ”said Anzhelika Alyabyeva.

Works at the competition were evaluated according to the following criteria: relevance; professional level (knowledge of topical issues, modern literature, argumentation); originality, novelty, interesting or unexpected approaches; scientific and/or practical significance;

As a result of the competition, a collection of articles was published, which is registered in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY (placed in the public domain). 

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