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April Scientific Readings named after Professor V.A. Pipko


XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "April Scientific Readings named after Professor V.A. Pipko" was held at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance. Victor Arkadyevich's scientific research has always been relevant and topical. And today the interest in research in the direction of accounting and analytical support is only growing.

It has become a good tradition to hold an annual scientific event dedicated to the memory of our teacher. Victor Arkadievich Pipko - Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, Professor of Accounting and Auditing Department, PhD in Economics and author of more than 150 scientific works and educational publications. The works of Professor V.A. Pipko had a significant impact on the development of accounting science in the agroindustrial complex.

Introductory word was given to the vice-rector for scientific and innovation work, doctor of economic sciences, professor Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev.

Welcoming speech to the conference participants was made by Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Accounting Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The conference was attended by pupils and colleagues of Victor Arkadyevich.

Baida Tamara Petrovna c.e.s., assistant professor

Lyudmila Bulavina - candidate of economic sciences, professor

Valentina Iosifovna Kuznetsova - assistant professor

Darienko Zhanna - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, director of LLC "Vina Praskovei - 2".

Bidzhiev Dakhir Omanovich - chief accountant of CJSC "Karachaevsky Brewery", Karachaevo-Circassian Republic.

Kulish Natalia Valentinovna, c.e.s., Associate Professor, Head of Accounting Department of Stavropol GAU, told the conference participants about the life of Professor Victor Arkadievich Pipko.

The conference discussed the results of scientific achievements of scientists and practitioners. The reports were presented:

Lavrukhina Tatiana Alexandrovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Economic Security and Accounting Department of Voronezh State University

Maria Vyacheslavovna Tkacheva - Candidate of Science (Economics), assistant professor at the Department of Economic Security and Accounting, Voronezh State University

"Electronic accounting (financial) reporting: current state and development prospects"

Elena Kostyukova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of Accounting and Finance Faculty, Head of Accounting Department, Stavropol State Agrarian University

"Development of peasant (farm) households in an unstable economic environment (on the materials of the Stavropol Territory)".

Sytnik Olga Egorovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Accounting Department

"Disclosure of information about the business continuity of an economic entity and significant uncertainties"

Medvedeva Elizaveta Andreevna, postgraduate student of accounting department

"Development of managerial accounting by business processes and product life cycle stages"

Agafonova Nelly Pavlovna, assistant of the Accounting Department

"Development of management accounting for projects".

Maria Andreevna Sapunova, assistant of accounting department

"State of distribution at the present stage".

The conference aroused great interest among leading specialists and scientists. On the materials of the conference will be published a collection of scientific papers, which will be placed in the RSCI base.  

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