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Scientific regiment of SSAU


Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

"Scientific Regiment" is a series of publications about students and teachers, about scientists who, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, brought the Victory closer with their military and labor feat.

The main goal of the project is the patriotic education of young people and the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory. Thousands of students, teachers, workers and employees of institutes volunteered to go to the front. Their memory must live on!

Authors: Head of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Kvochko A.N., Assistant of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics Medvedeva E.P. Many teachers of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of our university participated in the fighting, as well as ensured the health of animals. One of these was Professor Leonid Ivanovich Tselishchev.

Leonid Ivanovich Tselishchev was born on May 24, 1910 in the village of Vozhgaly, Vyatka province (now Kirov region) in the family of a veterinary paramedic.

In 1913, his parents moved to the village of Verkhniye Mully, Perm region. Leonid Ivanovich spent his school years in Perm, where he graduated from high school. After school, Leonid Ivanovich entered the Kazan Veterinary Institute and already in his senior years was involved in conducting practical classes with junior students.

After graduating from the Institute, Leonid Ivanovich was sent to teaching. He worked in agricultural institutes of Troitsk, Vologda, Sverdlovsk, Kirov. In 1939 he defended his PhD thesis. Being a teacher at the Agricultural Institute, in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) he combined it with teaching at the Medical Institute at the Department of Pathanatomy.

During the war, Leonid Ivanovich Tselishchev was appointed the head of the veterinary service of the Ural Military District. He had the rank of a military veterinarian of the 3rd rank. After the death of his younger brother, a pilot, near Leningrad, he goes to the front as a volunteer. During the fighting, he was seriously wounded, was considered missing (his wife received such a notification twice). For a long time he was being treated in a hospital in Tashkent.

Working at the Stavropol Agricultural Institute as the head of the Department of Surgery since 1961, having a wide erudition in various fields of knowledge, L.I. Tselishchev launched work on andrology, lymphology, surgical infection and a number of pressing problems of veterinary and humanitarian surgery.

The staff of the department cherish the memory of this wonderful man and pass on to the newly arriving students information about the exploits of the staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine during the Great Patriotic War. 

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