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Soil monitoring for the content of productive moisture on the instructions of the regional Ministry of Agriculture


On the instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, the staff of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University has been conducting research for the second year to determine the productive moisture in the soils of the Izobilnensky, Shpakovsky and Grachevsky districts. As well as research within the framework of contractual topics and in the SEC collective farm "Niva".

The selected soil samples will be delivered to the laboratory of agrochemical analysis, which in 2014 was accredited as a Testing Laboratory that meets the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009, and has an indefinite certificate of accreditation, entered in the register of accreditation persons dated October 28, 2014. The accreditation of the laboratory for conformity assessment (confirmation) was carried out within the framework of the national accreditation system of the member States of the Customs Union. The results of accreditation carried out in the national system of one member State of the Customs Union are recognized in other member states of the Customs Union. Qualified specialists will determine the productive moisture in the soil, which has a great influence on the formation of high yields. 

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