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Meeting with the management and employees of "EkoAspect" LLC


EcoAspect LLC is one of the leading companies in the region in the field of environmental design, consulting and expertise. For 5 years of successful and productive work in the market of environmental services, the company has formed a very extensive contingent of customers, including large holdings, corporations, open joint stock companies.

Working in 12 regions of the country with enterprises of completely different fields of activity, the Eco-Aspect repeatedly confirms the ability to find a balance between the environmental, economic and social components of the sustainable future of specific institutions. The company's employees are freelance experts of the state environmental expertise at the regional and federal levels; certified experts involved in carrying out measures for state environmental control; forensic experts, certified environmental auditors included in the Unified Audit Register of the National Chamber of Industry and Ecology.

As a result of the meeting, an agreement on strategic cooperation and partnership was signed between the Stavropol State Agrarian University and EcoAspect LLC. 

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