23.05.2022 |
The faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnological faculties hosted the plenary session "Innovative technologies in agriculture, veterinary medicine and food industry" of the 87th scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science for the North Caucasus Federal District". Scientists from the Stavropol State Agrarian University and invited experts took part.
The conference was held in a face-to-face format with the possibility of online access. For the first time, the plenary session of the sections of the two faculties was held in two stages. Earlier, the topics of the reports were entirely devoted to the implementation of the strategic project "AGROINNOPOLIS-2030".
The second stage touched on other topics relevant to the industry and faculties. At the meeting, the program of speeches was rich and multilateral. Thus, the following reports were presented to the audience of participants:
- “Sex ratio during color sexing of meat and egg chickens” (speaker - Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova, Professor of the Basic Department of Small Animal Science, Animal Breeding and Selection, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor);
- "The epizootic situation of infectious animal diseases in the territory of the Stavropol Territory" (speaker - Tsapko Andrey Petrovich, Deputy Head of the Veterinary Department of the Stavropol Territory);
- "Implementation of state veterinary supervision in the Stavropol Territory in 2021 - Q1 2022" (speaker - Aboneev Dmitry Vasilyevich, Acting Deputy Head of the Department of State Veterinary Control and Supervision of the North Caucasus Interregional Directorate of Rosselkhoznadzor);
- "Implementation of the principles of the best available technologies in the processing of secondary resources of the dairy industry of the agro-industrial complex" (Aleksey Dmitrievich Lodygin, head of the Department of Applied Biotechnology of the North Caucasus Federal University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor);
- "The state and prospects for the development of beef cattle breeding in the Stavropol Territory" (speaker - Shevkhuzhev Anatoly Foadovich, chief researcher of the laboratory of PT PZh All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian FSAC", doctor of agricultural sciences, professor);
- "Study of the specific cytotoxicity of the methanol extract of the leaves of chlorophytum crested (green type)" (speaker - Rzhepakovsky Igor Vladimirovich, Leading Researcher of the Interdepartmental Scientific and Educational Laboratory of Experimental Immunomorphology, Immunopathology and Immunobiotechnology of the North Caucasus Federal University);
- "Ultrasonographic features of the stomach and intestines of carnivores" (speaker - Tsygansky Roman Alexandrovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor).
All reports aroused keen interest and discussion with questions from the audience.
The meeting was attended by strategic partners of the faculties: the head of Agrokormservis plus LLC Vrana Andrey Valdemarovich and the chief livestock specialist of the SPK Kolkhoz Rodina Dmitry Yarovoy.
Following the meeting, an exchange of views took place, a decision was made to continue the implementation of this format of the conference in the future with the involvement of members of the consortium of universities participating in the PRIORITY-2030 program.