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Day of Slavic Literature and Culture


As part of the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, scientific conferences, readings, exhibitions and concerts are held in many cities. Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a round table on the topic "The Feat of the Slavic Enlighteners of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius."

The Department of Philosophy and History, headed by the Head of the Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Evgeny Vasilyevich Tufanov, Associate Professors, Candidate of Historical Sciences Inna Nikolaevna Karpenko, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin and Head of the Department for Educational Work and Social Affairs Tatiana Ivanovna Gunko organized Faculty of Finance thematic event. The goal is to introduce students to the mission of the educators Cyril and Methodius, to trace the main stages in the formation and development of the Slavic alphabet. Convince how important writing is in the history of any nation. After all, it is with writing that the true history of the people, the history of culture begins, science, literature and art originate. That it is writing that helps the people to unite, to realize their spiritual and historical unity.

The first words written in the Slavic alphabet were the opening lines of the Paschal Gospel of John:

In the beginning was the Word

And the Word was with God,

And the Word was God.

The day of memory of Cyril and Methodius established by the church - May 24 according to the new style - is now celebrated in Russia as a public holiday. The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is the only church-state holiday in our country. 

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