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Meeting of parents and students in the framework of the project "Professionality"


As part of the implementation of the program to promote the federal project "Professionality" in the Stavropol Territory, in accordance with the plan for conducting career guidance activities aimed at popularizing the FP "Professionality" and supporting the admission campaign of the FP "Professionality" program in the Stavropol Territory, a meeting of parents and students was held in the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

As part of the meeting, the teacher of the educational and methodological department of the SSAU Victoria Alexandrovna Solomonova presented a brief introduction to the foundations of the federal project "Professionalism". The implementation program, development prospects and advantages of this project were presented.

At the meeting, young, but already professionally successful teachers of the faculty spoke and presented their choice in the profession. Young professionals will practically implement the FP "Professionality" as teachers:

- Yulia Andreevna Bezina, an active participant and laureate of scientific and practical conferences in the field of agricultural education, teacher of the subject "Geodesy with the basics of cartography and cartographic drawing",

- Zinchenko Dmitry Alekseevich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, personal scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the World Poultry science competition, World Skills Russia 2022 expert, author of 27 scientific papers and 4 patents,

- Levchenko Nikita Andreevich, bachelor in the field of study 13.03.02 Electrical Power and Electrical Engineering, winner of the WorldSkillsRussia-2020 competition in the Electrical Installation competency, WorldSkills Russia Electrical Installation competency expert, WorldSkills Russia Electrical Installation competency winner mentor.

It is planned to continue holding a series of meetings with professionally successful people.

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