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Career guidance introductory lecture "The way up the career ladder"


As part of the program to promote the federal project "Professionality" in the Stavropol Territory for schoolchildren in grades 7-11, a career guidance introductory lecture "The path along the career ladder" was held.

The lecture was held in accordance with the plan for conducting career guidance events aimed at popularizing the FP "Professionality" and supporting the admission campaign of the program in the Stavropol Territory, organized by the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the SSAU.

In her welcoming speech, Lyudmila Ivanovna Soboleva, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, SSAU, presented the advantages of the new federal project "Professionality", one of which is the involvement of employers in the educational process: industry specialists will have the opportunity to create educational programs to suit their needs, train personnel, "sharpened for themselves."

The career guidance event was attended by enterprises included in the educational and production center of agriculture of the Stavropol Territory in accordance with the FP "Professionality":

- State Farm named after Kirov represented by HR manager Gulnara Nailovna Babeshko and social work specialist Svetlana Ivanovna Galchenko;

- Agroholding «ASB» represented by HR Director Aishat Sultan-Khamidovna Djolova;

- Collective farm "Gigant" represented by the chief economist Olga Sergeevna Kovylina.

In the form of video conferencing, representatives of enterprises shared with schoolchildren the success stories of enterprises and their leaders, in informative videos they presented the areas of activity, material and technical base, corporate and social policies of enterprises.

In the course of a meaningful dialogue with employers, schoolchildren learned what specialists are in demand at enterprises, what competencies of specialists the employer needs now, what measures of social support for young specialists exist at enterprises.

In continuation of the event, teachers of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education N.A. Myazina, E.V. Zaitseva, A.O. Berkunova presented a master class to schoolchildren on choosing a strategy for a conscious path to a profession and on building a career within the framework of the FP "Professionality".

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