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For the first time, the North Caucasian Interregional Ecological Forum was held in Stavropol


The most prominent representatives of business and the public from all over the North Caucasus Federal District gathered at the site of the Boiling Point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The purpose of the forum is to exchange best practices, implemented projects and the possibility of their scaling, development of interregional interaction between the expert community, authorities and regulatory authorities with representatives of business and the public. The main topic is "Ecology: problems and solutions of the agro-industrial complex and nature management in Russia, exchange of regional experience."

The forum was opened by the public representative of ASI in the direction of "Ecology and Climate" in the Stavropol Territory, Executive Director of the EcoLife Group of Companies Pavel Stepanyan.

“We are making this forum in order to conduct an open dialogue on acute issues and problems of the agro-industrial complex related to the activities of enterprises and some inconsistencies in terms of the current legislation. As a result of the forum, a resolution will be formed, which will go to Moscow on the table of legislators,” Pavel explained.

This was followed by a panel discussion on the impact of the agro-industrial complex on the quality of the environment, environmental investigations in Russia and other issues. It was attended by:

Georgy Kavanosyan - Professional ecologist, hydrogeologist, author of environmental investigations and host of the Ecologika YouTube channel, expert of the State Duma of the Russian Federation,

Mikhail Babansky - Director of the branch of the FBU "TsLATI in the Southern Federal District" - "TsLATI in the Stavropol Territory",

Nelly Kravchenko - Head of the Stavropol Central State Medical Service - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "North Caucasian UGMS",

Andrey Skripka - Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Stavropol Territory

· Boris Ermolaev – Head of the Department of Sanitary Supervision of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Stavropol Territory.

The forum continued with the presentations of speakers from different parts of the country. Experts from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod and other cities joined in the online format. Professional ecologists and social activists spoke to the participants at the site.

The forum ended with an open microphone, where participants could ask the organizers any questions and get answers to them. As a result of discussions and reports, a resolution was drawn up, including proposals for new bills. The resolution will be sent together with Georgy Kavanosyan, an expert of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, to Moscow and will be presented to Dmitry Kobylkin, Chairman of the Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. 

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