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Study of students' readiness to choose a profession


As part of the implementation of the program to promote the federal project "Professionality" in the Stavropol Territory, in accordance with the plan for conducting career guidance activities aimed at popularizing the project and supporting the admission campaign of the project program in the Stavropol Territory, for students in grades 6-11 of secondary general education organizations at the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education SSAU held testing on the problems of students' personality: "Study of professional intentions and plans of students", "Study of students' readiness to choose a profession."

More than 550 schoolchildren from different schools of the Stavropol Territory took part in the online testing, developed by teachers of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University of the Educational and Methodological Department, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Margarita Vladimirovna Frantseva, Candidate of Economic Sciences Fatima Kazbekovna Semyonova and Elena Alekseevna Gashina.

Testing, aimed at determining the readiness of schoolchildren to choose a profession, consisted of 25 questions, according to the results of which it was determined that about 70% of the respondents know what profession they want to get, while the remaining 30% have not decided on the choice and are not ready to give a more accurate answer on choice of further profession.

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