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Training "On the Threshold of Adulthood"


On the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University for schoolchildren of grades 7-9, a training event "On the threshold of adulthood" was held. During the training, students learned about the main factors in the formation of motivation and the choice of a future profession; considered the top list of professions that will be in demand until 2030 and the risks associated with various professions; the question was raised about the average salary in various branches of professions and its influence on the choice of a future specialty.

The directions implemented by Stavropol State Agrarian University within the framework of the FP "Professionality" were considered: agronomy; veterinary medicine; zootechnics; operation and repair of agricultural machinery and equipment.

The guys also gave feedback during the final game-conversation. During the game, students justified their opinion about the profession that they randomly got, its pros and cons, their motivation to study this specialty.

The organizers of the event were teachers of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education Chichagova Irina Gennadievna, Stus Lada Nikolaevna, Bazarov Roman Alekseevich, Nevidomskaya Irina Alekseevna, Zaitseva Elena Viktorovna.

The training took place as part of the implementation of the federal project "Professionality" in the Stavropol Territory, in accordance with the plan for conducting career guidance activities aimed at popularizing the FP "Professionality". 

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