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Graduation from the Faculty of Economics 2022


For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University to honour the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.

This year the Faculty of Economics graduated 179 professionals, full-time students. Of these, 61 graduated with honours!

An important field of education for future professionals is economics, which includes marketing, banking and financial services, accounting, management, economic security, agribusiness and rural management.

Global digitalisation is bringing IT technology to the forefront. Researchers are successfully developing end-to-end technologies such as blockchain, bigdata and artificial intelligence. Their combination with the traditions of agrarian education is a prerequisite for the successful development of the agro-industrial complex.

A photo report can be viewed at the link:

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