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SSAU employee was awarded a Letter of Thanks from the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation


The administration of the Leninsky district of the city of Stavropol hosted a ceremony of awarding residents of the regional capital with Letters of Thanks from the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Mikhail Vladimirovich Kuzmin noted with a Letter of Thanks for his contribution to the development, well-being and prosperity of the Leninsky district of the city of Stavropol and in connection with the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Leninsky district of the city of Stavropol Petr Anatolyevich Khorishko, chairman of the primary trade union organization of employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Petr Anatolyevich Khorishko was born on September 15, 1954 in the village of Kochubeevskoye, Kochubeevsky District, Stavropol Territory. He graduated from Stavropol Agricultural Institute with a degree in veterinary medicine. Candidate of Biological Sciences. He worked as an assistant to the department, deputy dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine for educational work, chairman of the commission for the prevention of offenses at the faculty, head of the department of physiology and surgery, professor of the department of physiology, surgery and obstetrics. Since 2004, the chairman of the primary trade union organization of SSAU employees. Reads a course of lectures “Private veterinary surgery”. Published over 45 scientific papers and 7 teaching aids. 

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