15.09.2022 |
Prevention of violations and crimes is the shortest way to the safety and well-being of society, because everyone knows that it is better to prevent than to fight, therefore, one of the priority areas of educational work at the university is the prevention and prevention of offenses among students. For this purpose, students regularly meet with representatives of the administration of Stavropol, representatives of law enforcement agencies, heads of national-cultural, religious and Cossack organizations of Stavropol.
In the period from September 3 to 13, 2022, conversations were held with students from all faculties of the university. The meetings were attended by:
• Deputy Head of Stavropol Administration Alpatov Denis Valerievich,
• Deputy Head of the Department of the Public Security Committee of Stavropol Administration Netkachev Dmitry Valerievich,
• Chairman of the Karachay-Balkarian cultural center "Alan" Batchaev Rustambek,
• Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of SSAU, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Abaza Cultural Center "Abaza" in Stavropol Kurchev Vladimir Ismailovich,
• District authorized officer of the police department No. 1 of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Stavropol, inspector of the juvenile department, senior police lieutenant Kolomiytsev Denis Eduardovich,
• District authorized officer of the police department No. 1 of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Stavropol, inspector of the juvenile department, senior police lieutenant Popova Gulnara Movlitovna,
• Security Adviser of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Merzha Andrey Alexandrovich.
The issues discussed at the meetings were aimed at raising the legal awareness of student youth, contributing to the formation of a legal culture and educating the legal consciousness of first-year university students. The students were explained in detail about the age category of criminal responsibility and the application of punishments for committing crimes and offenses. At the end of the meeting, students received answers to all their questions.