20.09.2022 |
At the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture, within the framework of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030", a round table was held, which summed up the results of research work on the study of the biological effectiveness of innovative biological products of multifunctional action of domestic production. Biologization is a system of interrelated organizational and technical measures aimed at the competent use of the laws of nature, the achievements of science, focused on improving the soil, which, in the face of rising costs of mineral fertilizers, chemical pesticides, especially in the face of falling purchase prices for grain, will increase the level of profitability of agricultural production.
Dmitry Nikolayevich Mitin, an agronomist-researcher of the program for testing biological preparations for agriculture under the auspices of the non-state development institute Innopraktika, took part in the meeting of the working group.
The working group from the faculties included Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolayevich Esaulko, Doctors of Agricultural Sciences, Professors Anna Petrovna Shutko, Natalya Nikolaevna Glazunova, Candidates of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professors Yulia Aleksandrovna Bezgina, Evgeny Valerievich Golosnoy, Elena Borisovna Dryopa, Anna Sergeevna Golub , Natalia Alexandrovna Esaulko, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Lyubov Vasilievna Maznitsyna, senior lecturers Olga Vasilievna Sharipova, Anna Vladimirovna Khomutova.
The results of the research were presented by the project leader, dean of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolayevich Esaulko, who spoke about the program of production tests of the biofungicide Metabacterin and the plant growth regulator Plantarel in the farms of the Stavropol Territory, economic and economic efficiency their applications.
The head of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Anna Petrovna Shutko made a detailed analysis of the phytosanitary state of crops according to the experimental options. It was noted that the effectiveness of biological plant protection products is most clearly manifested against a high agronomic background.
Associate Professor of the Basic Department of General Agriculture, Plant Growing, Breeding and Seed Production, Ph.D. She noted that as a result of accounting and observations, a correlation was found between biometric indicators and the use of the biological product Metabacterin.
Metabacterin, a SP as a three-component biofungicide based on a consortium of living bacteria Methylobacterium extorquens and Bacillus subtilis, in combination with a metabolite of the actinomycete Streptomyces hygroscopicus, has a positive effect on the quality of the products obtained. This is evidenced by the results of research obtained by the staff of the Laboratory for the Quality of Grain and Its Processing Products, which were presented by Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Natalia Aleksandrovna Esaulko.
During the general discussion, which was attended by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Natalia Nikolaevna Glazunova, Candidates of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professors Evgeny Valerievich Golosnoy, Yulia Alexandrovna Bezgina, who paid great attention to the development of regulations for the use of studied drugs, organizational issues of building further cooperation on the implementation of Russian developments in domestic agricultural production.