23.09.2022 |
The best soil scientists from Russia, Belarus, Tatarstan, Kazakhstan and Egypt gathered this week in Stavropol to participate in the VI International Scientific Conference "Evolution and Degradation of the Soil Cover". The event was timed to coincide with the 55th anniversary of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I. Tyulpanov Stavropol State Agrarian University.
Three days, from September 20 to 23, the VI International Scientific Conference "Evolution and Degradation of the Soil Cover" lasted within the walls of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The main topics for discussion were the organization of organic farming, the problems of optimizing plant nutrition and environmental issues. Particular attention was paid to the problems of carbon polygons in Russia - territories where comprehensive studies are being carried out to monitor the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and studies on the carbon exchange of the environment.
“This year, a large number of events are being implemented as part of the State Program for Supporting Universities of the Russian Federation – Priority 2030. And this year, for the sixth time, our university is hosting such a high forum. It is gratifying to note that our today's conference is timed to coincide with the celebration of the anniversary of the Department of Soil Science named after Professor Vadim Ivanovich Tyulpanov - the 55th anniversary of its founding!
The geography of the conference participants is expanding from year to year. More than 40 delegates took part in the face-to-face work of the conference this year, including from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Egypt and Tatarstan. Participants came from 19 cities of the Russian Federation from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk.
In particular, the conference was attended by:
- delegation from the Republic of Belarus, headed by Dr. S.-x. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Soil Science, BSAA Persikova Tamara Filippovna.
- delegation from the Republic of Tatarstan, headed by the head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Sciences, Professor Minikaev Rogat Vagizovich.
- delegation of Moscow State University Lomonosov, headed by the assistant of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Biochemistry Valeshnaya Darya Vladimirovna.
- delegation of the Southern Federal University, headed by the head of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Sergey Ilyich Kolesnikov.
- delegation of the Kuban State Agrarian University, headed by a candidate of agricultural sciences. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Soil Science Osipov Alexander Valentinovich.
- Ryspekov Tilepbergen Raspekovich, Head of the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Kazakh National Agrarian University, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor.
- Shashko Yury Konstantinovich, Director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Belarus, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor.
- Titova Vera Ivanovna, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Agroecology, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy.
Speakers at the plenary session:
- Head of the Department of Land Reclamation and Vegetable Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, Repukhova Natalya Vasilievna with a report on the state of agricultural production in the region.
- Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Esaulko Alexander Nikolayevich, speaking about the main directions of scientific research of the staff of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture within the framework of the program "Priority 2030": "Biologization agriculture of the Stavropol Territory based on innovations (agrobiotechnologies, digitalization, selection and seed production).
- Vice-rector of the Belarusian Agricultural Academy Kopytovsky Victor Vladimirovich with a report on the topic "Main agro-ameliorative measures in the irrigation of land with wastewater from pig-breeding complexes."
- Dean of the Faculty of Land Management, Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Candidate of Technical Sciences Pisetskaya Olga Nikolaevna with a report on the topic “On the Feasibility of Implementing Carbon Agriculture in the Republic of Belarus”.
- Anatoly Vladimirovich Burlai, Deputy Director of the Federal State Institution GCAS "Stavropolsky" with a report on the topic "Assessment of the state of fertility of agricultural lands of the Stavropol Territory according to the data of the agrochemical service."
There were also heated scientific discussions and disputes, which were provoked by the report of the head of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I. Tyulpanov of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Tskhovrebov Valery Sergeevich on the topic "Scientific activities of the Department of Soil Science and its main conclusions."
As you know, in recent years, for environmental reasons, agricultural producers have been asked to switch to organic fertilizers. But many experts in the field of agrochemistry warn farmers against a complete transition to them. Since many modern varieties of agricultural crops are highly intensive and require the application of mineral fertilizers to achieve planned yields. As a result of heated debate, the conference participants agreed that it is not worth it to indiscriminately refuse mineral fertilizers. It makes sense for research farms to allocate space for work not only for organic farming, but also for more traditional methods of agricultural technology.
“We are pleased that this conference has brought together such a representative scientific community and such an impressive geography. Such events are not just about “getting together and talking”. Many acute scientific questions find their answers here, and the tasks, sometimes the most complex, find their rational solutions, which then move into practice and allow local agricultural producers to introduce the most efficient and rational production methods,” said Professor Valentin, Acting Rector of SSAU Skripkin.
In conclusion, Valentin Sergeevich congratulated the staff of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I. Tyulpanova with an anniversary date, presented letters of thanks and gifts.