30.09.2022 |
The Scientific Library of Stavropol Agrarian State University has completed a cycle of introductory excursions and classes with first-year students on the basics of information and bibliographic culture - "The Scientific Library of SSAU is the first assistant in studies and research". The first-year students got acquainted with the reading rooms and departments, services and resources, the rules of work in the library, received the textbooks necessary for studying the disciplines.
At lectures and practical classes on the basics of information and bibliographic culture, students studied the possibilities of the library's information search engines to help write term papers, theses and other scientific papers, studied the rules for the design of a bibliographic list of references and references to scientific work.
The staff of the scientific library introduced the children to the electronic resources of the Scientific Library:
Electronic library systems "Znanium.com " https://znanium.com /, "Doe" https://e.lanbook.com /, "Yurayt" https://urait.ru , - allow you to work with educational and scientific literature remotely, from any Internet access point and provide access to educational and scientific literature in all disciplines.
Book Support module https://books.stgau.ru /, - shows the student textbooks recommended by the teacher for the discipline being studied with direct links to electronic publications.
Bookshelf for students http://bibl-stgau.ru/index.php/studentam/spo , - contains electronic textbooks in all disciplines.
Anti-Plagiarism system https://stgau.antiplagiat.ru / - will help to check the student's work for originality.
Classes in the library were attended by 33 groups of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education (789 students) and 47 groups of higher vocational education (1021 students).
The effectiveness of the conducted classes is already confirmed by the growth of statistics of first-year readers' appeals to the electronic resources of the library, the increase in information literacy of students.