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Speech by SSAU professor at the online discussion "Diagnostic work in accreditation"


In Urayt.Academy, within the framework of a pedagogical scientific and practical online conference with international participation “Competence-based approach at universities and colleges: from theory to implementation”, a discussion “Diagnostic work in accreditation” took place. A scientist from Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the work. Vice-rectors of leading universities discussed the competency-based approach in educational programs, the competency-based model of the Federal State Educational Standards and professional standards, building and updating educational programs for the desired learning outcomes.

The experience of Stavropol State Agrarian University was shared by Evgeny Ivanovich Gromov, head of the educational process management center. The speaker outlined the absolute need to prepare a bank of appraisal funds: "The very development of a work program implies the creation of a fund of appraisal funds." The expert spoke about testing competencies after completing the course: “We keep students in a certain tone, we constantly cut off residual knowledge.” “There is nothing bad in the remote format of diagnostic work,” this is the position of the speaker on diagnostics through digital tools.

The participants in the discussion were:

— Marina Rensh, Vice-Rector for Educational Activities of the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University

— Irina Chernaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Management, Vice-Rector of the Pacific State Medical University

— Olga Savka, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of MIREA — Russian Technological University

— Evgeny Gromov, Head of the Educational Process Management Center, Stavropol State Agrarian University

— Evgeny Stegachev, head of the educational and methodological department of the Volgograd State Technical University

Moderator: Alexander Safonov, Academic Director of the Yurayt Educational Platform.


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