05.10.2022 |
The process of successful, effective, optimal adaptation of first-year students to life and study at an educational institution is the key to the further development of each student as a person, citizen, future specialist, and is also a very significant and sometimes complex and long process. Boys and girls, after graduating from school, are moving to a new life stage. This stage includes a change not only of the place of study, place of residence, but also the change of an already established team. Newly minted students need to get used to, adapt to the new team, to the new rules and regulations of the university and to the foundations of another city.
As part of the discipline "Introduction to the specialty" for 1st year students of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture, a number of meetings were held with representatives of law enforcement agencies of Stavropol State Agrarian University and the city of Stavropol. Andrey Alexandrovich Merzha, adviser to the rector for security of Stavropol SAU, inspector of the ODN OUUP and DN OP 1 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Stavropol, police lieutenant Alexander Aleksandrovich Terpichenko and the detective of the department of interagency cooperation and prevention of the Directorate for Drug Control of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Stavropol Territory, senior police lieutenant Anastasia Vladimirovna Kazachenko.
The lecture was opened by the dean of the faculties, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander N. Esaulko and the deputy dean for educational work, associate professor Elena Borisovna Drepa, who introduced the guests to the students and focused on the fact that today, in a very difficult time, it is important to protect yourself and your loved ones from dangerous situations of a social nature.
Andrey Alexandrovich Merzha during the lecture touched upon the issues of organizing the safety of students on the territory of the university; access control and the use of electronic cards that control the visit (entrance, exit) of students, preventing the entry of unauthorized persons; control over the entire territory with the help of video surveillance, which helps to prevent violations (threats, extortion, distribution of drugs, etc.), hooliganism; anti-terrorist security and the fight against extremism, allowing to avoid radical views and beliefs among young people that are subject to destructive influence.
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Terpichenko spoke about what temptations young people can expect in an urban environment and how to avoid conflicts with law enforcement agencies. He noted that it is important not only to protect yourself, but also to live in harmony with the law. Because one rash step can break the fate of young people.
In her speech, Anastasia Vladimirovna Kazachenko said that any person who allows drugs into their lives runs the risk of becoming a drug addict, although at the beginning of the journey everyone is sure that it can be with anyone else, but not with him.
Why are teenagers and young people the most likely to become drug addicts? Because it is in adolescence and young age that a person wants to find his own individuality, be different from others, “try everything in life”, free himself from the control and guardianship of adults, live the way he wants to, establish his own norms and rules. And in order to be safe, it is necessary to make the very idea of the possibility of ever "trying" unacceptable; You need to learn how to say "NO!!!" to yourself and others when it comes to drugs; Avoid company and places where people use drugs. Choose a circle of communication in which there is no place for drugs.
Relevant now is the question of how to protect yourself from scammers on the Internet. Kazachenko A.V. presented an algorithm for blocking intrusive sites and provided telephone numbers by which everyone can receive qualified assistance in case of unforeseen circumstances.
The lecture aroused great interest among the students, who asked a lot of questions, to which they received qualified answers from the invited guests.