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Meeting of home front workers, war children and labor veterans took place in Stavropol State Agrarian University


On the International Day of the Elderly, at the initiative of the university administration and the SSAU Council of Veterans, for the first time, a tour of the New University Building was held for home front workers, war children and labor veterans of our university.

The meeting was attended by guests from the Presidium of the Council of Veterans of the Leninsky District of Stavropol, headed by its chairman Yuri Vladimirovich Mitryasov, representatives of the Stavropol city public organization "Children of War" and the head of the organization Natalya Borisovna Poleva and the choir "Children of War".

Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin, chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU, acted as a guide. Significant organizational assistance in holding the meeting was provided by members of the Council of Veterans of the University Tamara Petrovna Bayda and Vladimir Ismailovich Kurchev.

The tour started from the auditorium. Then, in the “Boiling Point”, older people were told about the innovative activities of the university. A ten-minute documentary about the history of our university, its multifaceted activities and achievements was shown to audience 302. The route of the excursion led the veterans to the library, where the chief bibliographer Irina Vasilievna Khartsiy spoke enthusiastically and competently about the activities of this structural unit of the university as an educational center.

The journey of veterans of our university to various most noteworthy places of the six-story building of the new building made a great impression on them. After the tour, in which the veterans were treated with the most attentive care by volunteers led by Kirill Sergeev, the festive event continued in the dining room of the Electrical Power Faculty.

During tea drinking, Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin, in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere that prevailed in the dining room, gave the floor to everyone. But the "highlight" of the recreation program in this room was a wonderful performance by the choir "Children of War" under the direction of Alexander Sergeevich Kartashev. During the event, the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU N.G. Guzynin congratulated all the participants of the meeting on behalf of the leadership of the university on the holiday, and handed holiday cards to the guests. In turn, the chairman of the Stavropol city public organization "Children of War" N.B. Polevaya handed over to the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU N.G. Guzynin a commemorative medal "In commemoration of the centenary of the formation of the USSR."

In general, the event held for the veterans of our university on the International Day of Older Persons evoked the most positive and joyful emotions among all its participants, and it was decided to turn this first event into a permanent and traditional one.

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