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Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University held the first stage of the reconstruction of the forest belts of the educational farm


Students of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, and ecology and landscape architecture carried out a reclamation event on the first stage of the reconstruction of the forest belts of the educational farm of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Processing was carried out as part of the project for the student competition "Your move". The main objective of the project is to put the forest belts of the Stavropol Territory in order and create a nursery of planting material for a wide range and purposes on the basis of the university.

Forest belts change the aerodynamic characteristics of wind and water flows, create a microclimate and increase soil fertility. Every agronomist knows that forest belts must be ventilated. To do this, they need to be cleaned, to remove shoots, dead wood, to fight pests that breed in old forest belts and harm crops. If this is not done, the forest belts cannot fully fulfill their ameliorative role. This leads to serious consequences: desertification, loss of arable land, displacement of soil boundaries, and hence a significant reduction in yield. One of the ways to restore forest belts is not only cleaning the forest belt, but also replanting young seedlings (undergrowth). According to the scheme of the existing forest belt, students planted young plants of English oak in the right places to restore the forest plant community. 

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