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Ten foreigners studied Russian under the program “Talents of Russian multinational culture: composers and musicians” within the framework of a grant project


Stavropol State Agrarian University won the grant competition of the Ministry of Education of Russia for the promotion of the Russian language. 147 applications were submitted, of which only 67 organizations became winners. And for the first time, our university won. The goal of the program is to popularize the Russian language by involving foreign students in various types of communicative activities in order to acquire or consolidate existing knowledge of Russian as a foreign language while implementing various educational approaches to teaching, socializing foreign students in a foreign language environment and developing the cognitive function of the Russian language.

At Stavropol State Agrarian University, the first group for the study of the Russian language “Talents of Russian multinational culture: composers and musicians” completed its work.

As part of the educational module, foreigners studied the specifics of the Russian language, discovered the creativity of different nationalities of the North Caucasus.

The general education program is designed for foreign students who speak Russian as a foreign language in accordance with the 1st certification level and continue to study the Russian language, Russian culture and traditions of both a particular region and Russia as a whole. 

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