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Stavropol State Agrarian University has a new leader


Vladimir Nikolaevich Sitnikov has been appointed Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

On October 13, at an expanded meeting of the academic teaching staff of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Elena Auzbievna Belkina, Deputy Director of the Department of Scientific and Technological Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, introduced the new head, noting his high merits in the industry.

Andrey Georgievich Khlopyanov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory, who was present at the meeting, emphasized that the university in the person of Vladimir Nikolayevich is acquiring a professional who has gone through a serious management school and knows the industry in all its aspects.

“The staff of the Agrarian University has always been focused on results. Thanks to the unique teaching staff, the university has always occupied a leading position on the map of agrarian education in Russia. This rich heritage was undoubtedly created by the hands of Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev and each of you.

I am grateful to the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Nikolayevich Patrushev and the Governor of the Territory Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov for the decision to entrust the University to me.

All the tasks assigned to me by the leadership will be fulfilled. We will maintain the University’s development dynamics,” Vladimir Sitnikov concluded the meeting with these words.


Born in 1974 in the village of Kalinovskoe, Aleksandrovsky district of the Stavropol Territory.

In 1995 he graduated from Stavropol State Agricultural Academy with a Degree in Agronomy. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

From 1995 to 2011 he worked in a closed joint-stock company “Kolos”, Aleksandrovsky district. He has come a long way from the position of an agronomist and foreman to the general director.

In January-February 2011, he worked as deputy head of the administration of the Alexandrovsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory.

Since February 2011 - the head of the administration of the Aleksandrovsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory.

In September 2015, he was appointed Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory.

In 2021, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory.

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