27.10.2022 |
Also during the practice, experience was gained in the field of artificial insemination, control of the level of liquid nitrogen in the Dewar vessel, identification of cows and heifers in the hunt. The students completed their internship at Agroalliance Invest LLC.
Students of the Faculty of Biotechnology "Zootechnia" Draveten Anastasia, Milohina Ksenia and Balatskaya Sophia, Shchelkanov Andrey, Trapeznikov Daniil completed an internship at LLC "Agroalliance Invest" in Kalinovsky village, Aleksandrovsky district.
The chief livestock specialist of the farm, Shamsedinova Elena Viktorovna, introduced the students to all the structural divisions of the farm. The interns were assigned to a specific specialist every day, which allowed them to fully study the technology of growing Jersey dairy cattle: breeding, keeping and feeding.
A graduate of the Faculty of Biotechnology, Maltsev Artem Evgenievich, who holds the position of livestock specialist in feed, told the students about the technology of forage preparation and storage, about feeding norms for different sex and age groups of animals on the farm.
Filatov Denis Aleksandrovich, livestock specialist in herd movement, also a graduate of the Faculty of Biotechnology, helped students in practice to study herd turnover, marking, weighing young animals and assess the fatness of animals. The students acquired the skill of working in the DairyComp 305 program.
Agroalliance Invest LLC constantly introduces new technologies in animal husbandry and, being a strategic partner of SSAU, shares its experience with students during their internship.