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The All-Russian dictation in English will be held in the SSAU


On November 30, the Department of Foreign Languages of the SSAU, together with Kazan Federal University, is holding an All-Russian dictation in English. At the same time, the Dictation will be held in more than 500 organizations of higher, secondary vocational and general education. Everyone will take part in it.

In 2021, dictation brought together more than 26,000 students from 75 regions of Russia and 8 countries - Denmark, Serbia, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Dictation has been held for the seventh year on the initiative of the Institute of International Relations together with the Department of Youth Policy of KFU. The main objectives of the event are to motivate students to learn foreign languages, improve literacy and proficiency in English language norms.

A dictation consisting of 300-400 words (14-20 sentences) will last about 30 minutes. Participants are prohibited from carrying reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information.

The results will be known after December 21, they will be published on the website of Kazan University and on the official websites of the project's site organizations. Winners and prize–winners will receive electronic diplomas, and all others will receive electronic certificates of participation.

In 2022, the text is dedicated to the development of the Internet, innovations and the introduction of digital technologies in various spheres of life. The text of the dictation was prepared by teachers of the Institute of International Relations of KFU. 

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