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SSAU students tested themselves as investors


3rd year students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the specialty 38.05.01 Economic Security of the Stavropol State Agrarian University gained practical experience in stock trading and tried themselves as investors and received an invitation to practice in an investment company.

The guys got this opportunity thanks to the School of Investor of SSAU, which held, together with "Finam-Stavropol" LLC, the investment tournament "Exchange game: just about the complex" organized by the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance Business".

It was attended by 3rd year students of the Accounting and Finance faculty of the specialty 38.05.01 Economic security. It went through several stages.

The students installed the FinamTrade application on mobile devices, access to which is provided by "Finam-Stavropol" LLC, opened a brokerage demo account with the amount of 400,000 rubles. Within 10 days they formed their investment portfolio, gaining practical experience in exchange trading. The most successful novice investors were: Angelina Gulova, Malik Yantuganov and Alina Mudarova.

― Stavropol State Agrarian University has many years of experience in successful cooperation with the financial company LLC "Finam-Stavropol". Theory without practice makes any learning useless. That is why, together with the director of "Finam-Stavropol" LLC Lyubov Butaliy, we are launching regular meetings with students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, the purpose of which is to acquire practical skills in investing and active exchange trading, - said the head of the laboratory "Exchange", associate professor of the Department of "Finance, Credit and Insurance business” Olga Uglitskikh.

At the end of the event, the director of "Finam-Stavropol" LLC, Lyubov Butaliy, invited students to undergo an internship at the "Finam" Investment Bank office in Stavropol 

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