22.11.2022 |
Students and undergraduates of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Kabardino-Balkaria State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov and Gorsky State Agrarian University presented interesting research on the market of the national technological initiative FoodNet.
- At present, the development of the FoodNet market is particularly acute, as new approaches to the greening of production, to food production technologies, from the development of completely new products to the creation of personal nutrition applications, are changing and gaining more and more development. Interregional scientific readings of students, undergraduates and graduate students play an important role in expanding communications, which contributes to the creation of scientific collaborations among the universities participating in the Agroinnopolis-2030 consortium among the students, - said the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Professor Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina.
University students - participants of the consortium "Agroinnopolis-2030" discussed the results of scientific research on the problem "Foodnet Potential-2022: economic aspects".
Young researchers took part in the scientific discussion, during which the following problems were discussed: the formation of new production, logistics and marketing solutions based on digitalization, network market models, customization of products and services, biotechnology and resource efficiency.