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Students found out which faculty knows the history of SSAU best of all


At the boiling point of SSAU, an inter-faculty quiz on the history of the university was held.

More than 50 participants from all faculties of the university competed in the intellectual and entertaining quiz. Divided into teams of 5 people, the students answered questions about the university for three rounds. The faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism knows the history of SSAU best of all, the faculty of agrobiology and land resources is in second place, and the accounting and financial faculty took bronze. The top three received prizes - certificates for participation in QuizStav games.

The quiz was organized by the intellectual club of the Faculty of Economics "Lucid Mind" and a graduate of the Faculty of Economics Sergey Kozachenkov, head of Quiz Stav.

- We hope that each participant was able to fill their knowledge base about their favorite university and have a great time, - Sergey Kozachenkov, head of Quiz Stav.

– It was interesting for us to learn more about our university, and in such an entertaining form with notes of humor and irony it was even more exciting, – a member of the winning team.

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