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A lesson in courage on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Stavropol was held at the Stavropol State Agrarian University


As part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Stavropol from the Nazi invaders, a lesson in courage was held at the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The event was held jointly with the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Mastepanenko Maxim Alekseevich and the Department of Philosophy and History, headed by the Head of the Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Tufanov Evgeny Vasilyevich. The students touched upon some memorable events of the times of World War II and the Great Patriotic War, remembered the occupation period of Stavropol (Voroshilovsk), as well as teachers, students and employees of the Voroshilov Veterinary Institute, who, at the cost of incredible efforts and their own lives, brought Victory Day closer.

During the event, author's videos "The streets of the city of Stavropol are named after them" were demonstrated, as well as songs of the war years "At the Nameless Height", "About the Heroes of Bygone Times", "Russia Rus" performed by students of the electrical power faculty and secondary vocational education Yulia Sapronova, Smagina Daria and the choir.

At the end of the lesson of courage, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History Kurchev Vladimir Ismailovich, who represents the generation of "Children of War", appealed to all those present with an appeal to remember the tragic events of the war years and honor a minute of silence.

The most active participation in the preparation of the reports was taken by the following students of the electrical power faculty and secondary vocational education: Andrey Sorokin "Abramova Klavdiya Ilyinichna", Sapronova Yulia "Andrey Korotkov and Mark Vasyakin", Fotin Ruslan and Nikulnikov Nikolay "Bezhanova Julietta Georgievna", Poltko Kirill "Ivan Guryanovich Bulkin, Dmitry Dolgov, Matrena Semyonovna Nazdracheva, Vladislav Krasnikov, Evdokia Davydovna Bershanskaya, Yegor Polyakov, General Dovator, Maxim Volkov, Gennady Golenev, Erik Klinchaev and Daria Smagina, The Occupation of Stavropol-Voroshilovsk, Nikita Tretyakov and Andrey Zybalev "About the young heroes of Stavropol" (supervisor, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of philosophy and history Karpenko Inna Nikolaevna).

Last week, a lesson in courage was held by Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Agrarian University. War veterans spoke at the event and told the students about the exploits of the Stavropol soldiers and the significance of the liberation of Stavropol in the Great Victory.

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