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SSAU discussed further cooperation with the group of companies “Agro consulting”


The leadership of Stavropol State Agrarian University gathered at a round table with representatives of “Agro consulting” group of companies to discuss areas for further cooperation.

The meeting highlighted the main areas of joint work: science, personnel, technology. There was a question about the practical training of students and work with applicants at the stage of schooling, including the creation of agricultural classes in the regions of the Stavropol Territory. Also an important direction is the technological development of the educational process, the development of new equipment in production.

— All our scientific and educational activities should be built taking into account the interests of business. The technological level of the university makes it possible to provide scientific support in any direction in crop production and animal husbandry. We have unique laboratories, and there is no such quality of research anywhere in the region. Today we have one common problem: we need to comprehensively change the system of personnel training. There are cases when they call from enterprises and ask, for example, veterinarians. I explain to them that since the 5th year all our doctors have been scheduled for production, and their specialists are still studying in the 8th grade of the school. The university alone cannot be responsible for the training of personnel. Yesterday we discussed the creation of agricultural classes in every district of the Stavropol Territory in order to pull up teachers and unlock the potential of the children. We must take a comprehensive approach to the problem of training specialists together with enterprises,” said Vladimir Nikolaevich Sitnikov, Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

— I cannot but agree that science for business, especially in the field of agriculture, is a priority. Without new technologies, we simply will not be able to work in the old way and become uncompetitive in the market. We have a colossal staff shortage. The picture for all farms is approximately the same: more than half of the staff are old people who, one way or another, end their careers, retire, and there are great difficulties in replacing them. We clearly understand that it is necessary to invest and raise specialists not from the last year, but from school. We are ready to actively participate and help organize agricultural classes for our future young professionals, provide housing programs for employees working outside the city. The issue of retraining of personnel is also very relevant for us, because technologies are changing, we need to adapt production to current challenges, - said Boris Alexandrovich Dyshlyuk, General Director of “Agro consulting”. 

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