21.02.2023 |
The Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin hosted a strategic session of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association of Universities in Veterinary and Animal Science on the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Enlarged group of specialties 41 "Veterinary and Animal Science".
The event was chaired by the Rector, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Sergey Vladimirovich Pozyabin. The working group included 12 leading universities of the country implementing these areas of training.
Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology Faculty, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Valentin Skripkin and Professor of the Department of Therapy and Pharmacology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Ivan Kireev.
In the process of implementing the agenda, a draft of the 4th generation Federal State Educational Standard was developed, which is subject to further review and approval in due course, and prospects and format of further interaction of educational organizations for the training of qualified specialists were determined.
Within the framework of the strategic session, a workshop "From assistant to professor" was held: how to find yourself in education and science" with the participation of FUMO members and the connection of more than 40 organizations in an online format. Leading and most experienced specialists of veterinary and biological universities made presentations on methodological and professional trajectories in the formation of young specialists in education and science, as well as approaches to the methodology of organizing the educational practice-oriented process.