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The Faculty of Economics hosted a strategic session "A modern economist through the eyes of an employer"


For students of the directions "Economics" and "Management" a strategic session "Modern economist through the eyes of the employer" was held. During the event, the issues of the demand for young specialists in the labor market, the formation of their professional competencies, employment prospects in various sectors of the region's economy were discussed.

The round table was organized by teachers of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Yulia Rybasova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Kosinova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Ekaterina Agalarova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Angelina Kazarova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Cherednichenko.

On the part of employers participated:

• Deputy Minister of Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory Alexander Voiskovoy;

• financial director of OOO Tersky Kolos Alexander Prokazin;

• Chief Specialist of the Infrastructure Development Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory Anastasia Panikidi;

• Sole proprietors Yulia Khitrik and Ilya Stelmakhov.

Employers shared their experience with students and helped them take a fresh look at the prospects for their future profession. During the session, the topics of employment and professional demand for graduates in economics were touched upon, the qualities that allow novice economists to grow and form their professional reputation were noted, among them: a high level of theoretical and practical training, employability, motivation, a desire to delve deeply and deal with the most complex questions. Economic literacy and initiative, the ability and desire to learn, confident knowledge of modern computer technologies, and the ability to work with information also allow a novice specialist to achieve the goal.

As part of the strategic session, the participants took part in an interactive experiment on ranking the professional competencies needed by an economist. Despite some differences, the teams of employers and students agreed that in the ranking of competencies, the first place should be the ability to develop options for management decisions and justify their choice, taking into account the criteria of economic efficiency, risk assessment and possible socio-economic consequences, as well as the ability to implement search, critical analysis and synthesis of information, apply a systematic approach to solve the tasks.

— Each of the invited experts is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and his pride, and their professional achievements are the highest assessment of the quality of education at our university. Working in various fields: from public service to private business, our graduates contribute to the formation of the brand of the Stavropol State Agrarian University with their diligence, qualifications, responsibility! Such meetings in the best way reflect the continuity of generations, help current students in professional self-identification and increase their interest and motivation in learning, - said during the meeting the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Kusakina.

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