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Associate Professor of SSAU took part in a scientific and practical seminar on pruning fruit crops


As part of an internship on the basis of leading agricultural enterprises in the horticulture industry, Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Food from Vegetable Raw Materials, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Timur Aisanov took part in a regional seminar on the topic: “Fundamentals of growth and fruiting regulation. Features of the protection of the orchard in the conditions of the Stavropol Territory in 2023.

The seminar was organized by the SPK "Gardens of Stavropol" on the basis of the SPK "Soviet" of the Kirov city district. More than 30 leading specialists of agricultural services of horticultural enterprises of the Stavropol Territory and adjacent regions took part. During the practical part in the garden, an exchange of views took place on modern methods of forming tree crowns, as well as on the features of winter tree pruning.

“Pruning plays an important role in the formation of tree crowns and the regulation of their fruiting, which is especially important for modern intensive orchards,” said Sergey Tyulpanov, Ph.D.

At the theoretical part of the seminar for the assembled gardeners, the head of the "Sumi Garden" direction of the company "Sami Agro", candidate of agricultural sciences Viktor Barabanov made a report "Features of the protection of the orchard in the conditions of the Stavropol Territory in 2023". Viktor Alekseevich outlined the main harmful objects that cause the greatest damage to fruit agrocenoses, and also gave information about the company's advanced products to combat them.

As an alternative to chemical means of protecting fruit plantations, methods of biological plant protection are becoming more widespread.

“A complete rejection of pesticides is not yet possible, but it is necessary to strive for the maximum introduction of best practices in the field of biologization of plant protection technology,” said Ekaterina Kharchenko, head of the Bionavigator company, in her speech on advanced solutions in the field of plant protection.

Along with the main issues discussed at the meeting, the main role in improving the efficiency of all production processes is played by the training of highly qualified personnel for the horticulture industry. Timur Aisanov, Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Vegetable Raw Materials, spoke about new educational programs in horticulture for undergraduate and graduate programs opened at the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Specialists of leading horticultural farms showed great interest and willingness to cooperate in the field of field workshops on the basis of enterprises, as well as participation in open lectures held at the university.

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