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SSAU Scientific and Innovative Training Center is 20 years old


20 years ago, the Center for Scientific Innovation and Information and Analytical Activities was founded at the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Today, NRUC coordinates advanced laboratories, actively cooperates with executive and legislative authorities, carrying out its activities in accordance with the priority areas of science, technology and engineering, the concept of university development, and a long-term plan for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

The Research and Innovation Training Center was launched in order to optimize the research and innovation activities of the university. Its founder and first leader was Nadezhda Ivanovna Zarubina.

In June 2003, a department for the protection of intellectual property (patent department) was established within the structure of the Center. The scientific novelty of the research activities of teachers, staff, young scientists and students of the university is annually confirmed by titles of protection for intellectual property.

Since 2003, the Department of Research Work of Students and Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth has been functioning in the structure of the Center for Scientific-Innovative and Information-Analytical Activities, the task of which is to organize and coordinate work with students, graduate students and young scientists of the university. Attracting young people to science begins with the organization of research work of students at faculties and departments, their participation in student scientific societies. Many students are co-executors and even responsible performers of research and development work. Representatives of SSS of all faculties of the university are involved in research activities.

Young scientists of the university actively participate in competitions and olympiads, including industry ones. The most significant of them are:

– All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

– All-Russian competition of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere “UMNIK”;

– Competitions and Olympiads of the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers of the Russian Federation.

In June 2009, the Center for Scientific and Innovative and Informational and Analytical Activities was reorganized into the Scientific and Innovative Training Center, headed by Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Vitaly Yuryevich Morozov. Since 2013, it has been headed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Yulia Alexandrovna Bezgina. In 2016, the head of the center was the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Dmitry Vladimirovich Ivanov. Today, the NRTC is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Sergey Nikolayevich Antonov (since January 2021).

The main activities of the Center:

– information and analytical support of educational and scientific processes at the university;

- organization and analysis of scientific and research activities of faculties, departments, scientific departments of the university;

– organization of research activities of students and scientific and technical creativity of the youth of SSAU;

– information support and organization of competitive and grant activities of the teaching staff, researchers, graduate students and students of SSAU;

- innovation and management of research, development and design work, technology transfer;

– monitoring of innovations in the field of modernization of the higher education system, training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, scientific, scientific-technical and innovation policy;

– protection of intellectual property of scientists, employees, graduate students and students of the university;

– creation of information-analytical and problem-oriented electronic databases;

– coordination of university activities in the field of innovation policy and transfer of high technologies.

Management and coordination of the work of the Scientific and Innovation Training Center is the responsibility of the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation. Since January 2020, this position has been occupied by Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev, the ninth Vice-Rector for Research in the 93-year history of the university.

Today, the Scientific and Innovative Training Center employs:

- Sergey Nikolaevich Antonov, head of the scientific and innovative training center (since 2021);

– Maria Valentinovna Alekseeva, Head of the Department of Research Work of Students and Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (since 2016);

– Galina Alekseevna Cherkashina, head of the intellectual property protection department (since 2013);

– Irina Gennadievna Pavlenko, Head of R&D and Technology Transfer (since 2022);

– Diloram Khalimovna Kiryakova, Engineer of R&D and Technology Transfer Department (since 2007);

– Raisa Nikolaevna Soloshenko, specialist in intellectual property (since 2003);

– Svetlana Andreevna Voskoboynik, engineer (since 2012);

– Irina Vladimirovna Samoilenko, engineer (since 2021);

– Dmitry Eduardovich Chervyakov, technology transfer specialist (since 2020). 

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