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SSAU Scientific Library has released the 22nd index of scientific papers


The series "Biobibliography of scientists" was supplemented by the index of scientific works of the candidate of technical sciences, professor of the department of machines and technologies in the agro-industrial complex Ivan Kapustin.

The publication was prepared and published by the staff of the scientific library within the framework of the project "Popularization of the scientific heritage of the Stavropol State Agrarian University".

The bio-bibliography reflects the main stages of the life of Ivan Kapustin, his scientific, pedagogical and industrial activities; scientific and educational-methodical works, patents and dissertations carried out under the guidance of a scientist are presented.

The index has already entered the collections of libraries of agricultural universities of the Russian Federation, as well as the Russian State Library, the Russian Book Chamber and the Central Scientific Agricultural Library.

You can get acquainted with the electronic version of the bio-bibliography on the website of the SSAU Scientific Library at the link

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