Center of the quality management in education
The monitoring of ERASMUS + programs was carried out
On April 20, the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Resources and Culture (EACEA) of the European Union monitored the ERASMUS + programs implemented in the Stavropol State University.
"We are striving to get the most complete picture of the projects financed, their goals and results, as well as to get better acquainted with the institutions and stakeholders", explained the main purpose of the monitoring, expert of the European Union, deputy director of the national office ERASMUS + in Russia Anna Muravieva, Visited the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
The expert was provided with complete information on the implementation of international academic mobility programs and implemented activities. Separate meetings were organized with the academic and administrative staff of the agricultural university, trainees and students who took part in the programs.
It should be noted that the inter-university agreements on "credit mobility" of the University are realized with such European universities as: Warsaw University of Natural Sciences; Higher School of Economics and Management under the administration of Bratislava (Slovakia); Swedish Agrarian University (Uppsala); Uten University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania); University of Karoli Esterházy (Eger, Hungary). For 2015/2016, 16 bachelors, 2 undergraduates and 5 teachers from StGAU took part in the ERASMUS + programs. In the agricultural university, two bachelors and one master were trained. Lectures of students-agrarians read five professors from partner universities.
Final results of the monitoring of ERASMUS + programs. Will be summed up and provided to the university by the Executive Agency of the EU on the basis of the analytical note of the expert in June 2017.