Center of the quality management in education


Sociological study "Stavropol GAU – the territory of cooperation!"

In the period from September, 6 to September, 15 2017, the Department of sociological and marketing research Center for quality management of education conducts surveys of students of 2-4 years on "Stavropol GAU – territory of cooperation".

The purpose of the study is to obtain information about the interaction of students with teachers during the educational process, the level of student satisfaction with the learning environment, upbringing, opportunities to study science at Stavropol state agrarian University.

Within the survey, students have the opportunity to offer their suggestions for improving the work of the University.

We invite all students of 2-4 years to take an active stance and to express their opinions through a personal account on the website of the Stavropol GAU!

For any questions, conduct research and work with its results you can contact the Department of sociological research and marketing Centre for quality management education. 

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