Center of the quality management in education


The department of sociological and marketing research completed the research “Student Initiative - 2014"

The research "Student Initiative - 2014" was attended by 976 people - representatives of nine faculties at the University, who made about fifteen hundred proposals for development of different areas of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Such activity of the participants shows the broad involvement of students in the multi-level processes of improving the university, shaped competencies of innovative search for new ideas and, in general, active citizenship of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The poll was held under the motto "Initiative and young talent - for the prosperity of the University."Despite huge advances in recent years, students have been able to generate interesting proposals that cover almost all aspects of life at the University.

The most interesting initiatives include: the creation of college radio; carrying out additional social events, such as the "Parade of good deeds", "Good deeds - to the beloved city"; holding a "Day of the student self-government" annually on October 5, the All-Russian Teachers' Day; revival of intercollegiate hiking, timed to significant dates of the country, the region, the University.

Results of the survey were referred to the authorities of the University, faculties and supervisors of training groups for the implementation of proposals to life.

According to the results of the study in 2014 there was received a proposal to establish an annual contest of social projects of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Student Initiative – to the University." 

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