Center of the quality management in education


Forum of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) 2014

From 20 to 21 October 2014 a delegation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the annual forum of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) (Brussels, Belgium), dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the fund.

The Forum 2014 keynote lectures of participants were devoted to creating a sustainable future. This theme was chosen because globalization has a significant impact on the nature of the enterprise and the macro-economic situation as a whole. For most participants, this leads to the fact that the characteristic feature of modern senior and middle management is the fear of the risks and the fact that necessary and important decisions are not made on time, simply because managers are afraid to make a mistake.

Therefore, in the framework of the forum well-known companies shared their experience of running a successful business in the context of the ongoing crisis, the limited opportunity to clearly predict the activity of aging professionals to help interested companies to "comply with the future" - to maintain or improve their competitiveness by using the criteria of the EFQM Excellence Model , introducing innovations and new technologies.

Among the speakers there were Andreas Wendt, CEO of BMW Plant Regensburg (Germany), Rolf Bulander, Member of the Management Board of the company Robert Bosh GmbH (Germany), Lars Aagaard, Vice President of the Governing Board of Grundfos Holding A / S and others.

During the forum, the ceremony of awarding the finalists, winners and the winners of the European EFQM Excellence Awards («EFQM Excellence Award» -2014) took place. The winner was the company Bosch Technologie Diesel e Sistemi Frenanti SpA (Italy).

* EFQM was founded in 1988 by the presidents of 14 world-renowned successful European companies (Bosch, BT, Bull, Ciba-Geigy, Dassault, Electrolux, Fiat, KLM, Nestlé, Olivetti, Philips, Renault, Sulzer, Volkswagen) with the assistance of European Commission. Currently EFQM brings together more than 700 leading organizations in Europe and the world who are interested in improving their competitiveness by improving management practices and the quality of products and services. 

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