Center of the quality management in education
On 16th February, 2015 the surveying of the University students “Work of catering facilities in the Stavropol SAU” started
The department of Social Research and Marketing together with the initiative group of the student trade unions from the 16th to 24th February conducted a survey of students about the quality of catering in the Stavropol State Agrarian University. More than 1000 students from various areas of training will take part in the survey.
The results of the survey will be discussed with the administration of the student the catering plant at the meeting of the trade union committee of students and faculties deans’ offices.
The students' opinions about the quality of the catering service of the University will serve as the basis for determining the price policy, improving the quality of service, updating the assortment of dishes, which generally helps to optimize the activities of the university dining and buffets.