Center of the quality management in education


Student Committee for the quality of education is in the final of All-Russian contest of working achievements of committees for the quality of education

The Student Committee for Quality Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University presented the results of their work in the All-Russian contest of achievements of the boards / commissions on the quality of education in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education in the nomination "The best working system of the department of audit, feedback from students".

In the mid-March, 2015 the evaluation Committee was sent a set of documents and a presentation describing the experience of the University to obtain accurate, timely, unbiased information from students and its transfer into real projects to improve the quality of education.

According to the results of the preliminary expertise of the submitted materials, the Student Committee for the quality of education of our University was admitted for the participation in the final stage of the contest - the public presentation of the experts in the field of quality of education in St. Petersburg in the framework of the All-Russian school in quality (http: // vk .com / studstandart).

The Student Committee for Quality Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University will be represented by Alexander Gurkovskiy, the 4th year student, Chairman of the Student Commission on quality in education of the Electrical-Energetic faculty and Maria Deneva, the 3rd year student, deputy chairman of the Student Commission on the quality of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

In the framework of work of the Russian school on quality our students will become familiar with the basic mechanisms of assessing and improving the quality of education in universities, will discuss prospects for the development of student evaluation of the quality of education in Russian universities, and analyze similar experiences in foreign universities. Together with representatives of the Student Committee for the quality of education in schools, the leading expert on educational work of the department of educational work and social issues Svetlana Yurchenko will take part in the activities of the school. 

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