Center of the quality management in education


A new tradition of SSAU - the start is given!

On April 9, 2015, there was a meeting of the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev with the best high school graduates of 2015. Thus it was launched a new tradition of the University - dialogue of the head SSAU with students, during which students can discuss with the rector their plans, make suggestions, concerning student's life.

Among the students, who will receive a diploma of higher education this year, there are known in the province and the country persons: the head of the volunteer squad of SSAU "Tolkien", winner of the "Grand Prix" of All-Russian national prize "Student of the Year" Catherine Voytysheva; the winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian national prize "Student of the Year" in the category "Intelligence of the Year", the fellow of President of the Russian Federation - Sergey Avilov; Chairman of the Student Sports Club of SSAU "Kolos" Ilya Stelmakhov; "Vice-Miss Student of Russia" Anastasia Kaljuzhnaja; winner of the regional stage of the National Prize "Student of the Year" in the "public men of the year" Alexei Martynov; Prize winner of the President of the Russian Federation in support of talented youth Svetlana Sevastianova and many others. Hundred of Best graduates of Agricultural University gathered that evening in the hall, and no one was indifferent. Within a few hours, they relived the greatest moments of their student's life, and remembered those achievements, which were able to achieve over the past five years thanks to the support of the rector and faculties of the university.

As the students noted, the meeting was warm and memorable. Vladimir Ivanovich gave his farewell speech to graduates, assuring that walls of Agrarian University will always be open to them. Future professionals expressed their desire to foster the development of all of the university, promising that each of them will always remember that he is a graduate of Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

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