Center of the quality management in education


Video about the realization of statements of the UN Global Impact of human rights at the University

In May 2015 the University represented its experience in implementing the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in a video that was sent to the good practice competition of successful European organizations using the EFQM Excellence Model.

For the good practice competition, which is organized by the European Foundation for Quality Management (Brussels, Belgium), the University sent a video "Achievement the University sustainable development through the realization of citizens' right to associations" and a detailed description of how the University ensures the implementation of universal human rights, based on the activity of student organizations and associations of employees.

These materials are available on the website of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), and also on the page of the Center of the quality management in education on the University site in the section "Videos on the EFQM model “.

In the process of creating a video, representatives of the Student Committee for the quality of education, teachers of faculties, as well as employees of the Center for Quality Management in Education and the press-service of the University were involved. 

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