Center of the quality management in education


Public discussion of students’ proposals on improving the quality of higher education

On May 22, 2015 the University held the public discussion of the proposals for student participation of student organizations in improving the quality of education in the framework of the project "Quality Education: Reloaded".

The project was initiated by the All-Russian Student Council on the quality of education and aims to develop the concept of participation of associations of students in improving the quality of higher education and is implemented with the use of state support, dedicated national student union as a grant in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 17.01.2014 № 11- pn and on the basis of competition, held by the All-Russian public organization "League of the nation's health."

In the discussion of the proposals developed by the student body of the University, with the support of the Student Committee for the quality of education and student government activists the deputy chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory Viktor Lozovoi, the chairman of the Committee on Education and Science regional Duma of Stavropol Territory Ludmila Kuzyakova, the deputy minister of education and youth policy of the Stavropol Territory Galina Serafimovna Zubenko, the Vice President for Academic and educational work Ivan V. Atanov, the chairman of the Union of Rural Youth Stavropol Territory Igor Devederkin, as well as deans and deputy deans of each of the 9 departments took part.

Following the discussions, proposals were made to the concept of participation of associations of students in improving the quality of higher education, which will be directed by the University to the Project Authorities of "Quality Education: Reloaded". 

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